Monday, August 6, 2012

Passing the Test

School is about to start up.
I am a  normal mom, I pray hard that my kids would be successful and take advantage of every moment of learning.

It makes me wonder if these parental urges are the same ones God feels for me.
Does our heavenly Father long for us to "get it", to take full advantage of the learning opportunities He gives us?

I think yes.

For example Jesus gave us a test we could use to tell if we really loved Him.

John 21:15-17
Jesus was talking to Peter, who was a rather hyped up guy. He was the type to heartily declare "I love ya, Lord. I love ya more than most".
But Jesus had really only one measure for Peter. He asked him the same question 3 times.

Do you love me?

Every time Peter gave an enthusiastic yes and after the 3rd time he got his feelings hurt. What's the deal Jesus?
Can't you see my heart bursting with love for you?

Jesus told him there was one measure of his love, one thing that would easily show if he had the love.


Now I have heard many sermons that go deeply in to the words used and that dissected the language and I think that is great.
But, the very simple message there is profound all by it's self.

Do you love Jesus?
Well, the proof when we examine your life is not how loudly you say it, or how beautifully and strongly you sing it in a praise song, or how many times you post scripture on facebook.

The proof is that you live to uplift and grow fellow believers. You seek out sheep that don't even know they are part of the flock and you make sure they get some sweet feed.

Kind of laughs in the face of the idea of finding a Church that feeds you.

Jesus did not say "feed my gentle sheep", "feed my sheep that agree with you", or "feed my sheep that feed you back", or "pay someone good to feed my sheep".

I have come to terms with this.
How am I loving the church?
Do I have lines I have drawn that show my love level is almost on empty?

I am a big mouth like Peter. Full of fire and gusto for Jesus. So this one really get's my attention.

I pray I will also be like Peter- humble enough to pour my life out serving God's people.

Later in Verse 18 Jesus straight up tells Peter he will die doing this mission. Jesus was not worried that feeding the sheep had a high cost for Peter. Jesus loved Peter and He knew Peter would ultimately be satisfied by the life he was to live.

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