Monday, November 7, 2011

Here I am up too late

A.) I hate it when I don't have a picture for the post. I hate it worse than not having a really good subject. Hey, I'm visual.

B.) Realized this week, I am not the Holy Spirit. 
Why, what a blasphemous thing to think you were!?!!

Well, I may not have thought it but I sure act like it at times. 
If I could just say the right thing, If I could just do the right thing, If I could just stir the church to action, lives would be changed.
Screech... that's that slamming of mental breaks right there.
I do not stir to action- the Holy Spirit does.
I do not transform lives- He does.
I do not create opportunities-He does.

I do have to be obedient, faithful and sincere in my worship.

Romans 12:1   Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Sounds like a lifestyle of worship.
Lord, let me worship you in each action I take, each word I say, each choice I make.

And if that leads me in a head on collision with your Holy Spirit as He is stirring souls, transforming lives and creating opportunities- Thank you!

I am weak and poor but all I have is yours.

PS- evidence of my weakness: before spell check it read blasphomouse (yes, four innocent mice blasted).

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