Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's day

Hope you all get some Love and give some today.

(love vintage valentine cards)
For me Valentine's is about Love in all of it's forms.
Between couples.
Between Parents and Children.
Between siblings.
Between friends.
Between any who are willing to put someone else before themselves.

Love was God's idea, acutally it's His personality trait.
We were made in His image so it's natural to copy Dad.
What's hard is to copy Him in purity.

Pure love- the rarest and most precious thing in the Universe.
Love that always seeks the best for others and not self.

Family has taught me a great deal about making my love more pure.
My own parents, my husband, my children make me want to be more pure in how I love.

I think I have come a long way from the 16 year old kid, trying to figure out how to work this love thing.
My sweet husband who I met 20 years ago this fall, has most often been my inspiration and encouragment to work harder at love.

It's the nitty gritty teeth grinding moments when you choose to love, because you know it's right, not because it's easy, fun, and full of warm fuzzies- those are the most beautiful moments of love.
The elderly man who cares for his wife with Alzheimers, the mother who delays her dreams for those of her children, the parent who adopts, the young mother who chooses life, etc... those stories have a power that overwhelms the rose giving, card writing and chocolate candied love.

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