Monday, August 29, 2011

Yep, I got nothing.

Nothing profound to say. Same old same old going on around here. Struggling to be a good parent. Struggling to have Godly reactions.

Feeling blessed dispite my struggles. Feeling Joy for no reason other than He is with me.

Hubby is gone all week on a conference for work.

Son has to have oral surgery to remove a dublicate set of top front teeth hiding in his gums. Yeah, weird- poor little guy.

I caught a whiff of coolness in the air this morning while I was watering my roses, and I will not lie it thrilled my heart. Fall is rather coy here. It will wink at you for a month or so before it actually arrives.

This week I offer up a sound track to how I seem to be feeling:

 "I'm with you" inspired by the story of Ruth

"Beautiful things"

"Your love is a song"

The player with this blog will be playing these songs so all you have to do is turn your speakers on.

Hey, is God making a sound track for your week?- maybe you need to turn the speakers on in your life.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you with "struggling to be a good parent". I love being a Mom, but it can be so hard to know if I'm parenting the "right" way. I want to be loving in my discipline, not too strict but not too lax. Striking the right balance in it all can be hard sometimes, especially with a 2 (almost 3) year old. I sure my kids, though!!!
