Monday, January 30, 2012

The Blessing Whisperer

Right off the top, the following book gets all the credit for this post:
The Blessing by Gary Smalley and John Trent

It's just a little paperback with some big ideas.

It explores the idea that we can speak blessings or curses over the people we are in relationships with. It's illustrated in the bible over and over. Specifically in families.

The Blessing of the eldest child was a huge deal in the Old Testament. It was so powerful and God honored it to such a great degree that people schemed and plotted to get it: Jacob.
In the New Testament Jesus threw a curve ball on the idea, He told the disciples to allow all the children, whose parents had brought them to him for a blessing, to come to him.

So if we want to be "Christians" or "Christ followers", we should be geared up to speak blessings over everyone.

Not being an Old Testament Daddy, you might be wondering, "How do I speak a blessing over someone?".

The authors outline 5 elements to Biblical blessings:

1.) Meaningful Touch- typically in the Old Testament the one to be blessed was called to the one passing the blessing and he placed his hands on him. For us this can mean anything from a pat on the shoulder, a hug, a kiss, a hair ruffle or hand holding. The key being the touch is appropriate for the relationship.

2.) Spoken Words- I know, Duh right. But seriously how often do the words that need to be spoken go without being said because of fear?

3.) Expressing High Value- You have to tell that person they have value. This is something you have to think about before you say it. Don't mumble through some standard compliment, really think about ways that this person is special, unique and full of value.

My favorite idea from the book came from this. They suggest you use a parable to do this, like Jesus did. One mother told her daughter that she was like their Mother kitty because she was so loving and tender with her family. Her daughter gave her a huge grin.
I was very eager to try this one out so when my son came home with a perfect behavior report for a week, I told him he was the Optimus Prime of good behavior. (This is the name of the leader of his favorite robot cartoon Transformers- this guy is a hero). I got the same huge grin, it worked just like they said!
 So then I tried it on my daughter. She was cleaning her room without being told so I told her she was the Niecy Nash of bedrooms. (Niecy is the host of our favorite Home Cleaning show "Clean House"). Bam! The same great big grin.
The key is to make the reference to someone or something they really admire or respect.

4.)Picturing a special future- Abraham did this with Issac in Gen. 27:28-29 when he described how he was asking God to prosper Issac. Jesus did this for us in the New Testament in John 14:2-3 when He described what Heaven will be like for us.
You can tell someone what you are praying God will do in their lives because of the special value they have.
Examples: I am asking God to grow and prosper a speaking ministry for you, I am asking God to make you a mother or father who will raise up mighty men and women of God, I am asking God to prosper you in your job or I am asking God to give you financial blessing so that all your needs are met to overflowing.
For Christians the scriptures that speak a special future for us (heaven) are numerous.

5.)Active commitment to the blessing- Be consistent in supporting the ideas you have planted. When that person makes mistakes because, they will, continue to speak the blessing. Let your actions be true to what you have spoken- we cannot scorn that which we have blessed. Let your prayers be true to what you have spoken for that person.

I have a February challenge, make February a Valentine's month. Pick a few people you will spend all month doing little things for. Encouraging notes, spoken blessings, bake something, pick a flower, etc... things you know will in small ways speak of Large Love.

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