Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Sunday

I hope, I really hope, you have been pondering just where you might go to worship on Easter Sunday Morning.
To be honest, I don't even really need to know why you want to go, just that you are tossing around the possibility. I would be thrilled to know you chose to go.

Worship is a very personal thing, and I believe that's why choosing a place to worship is so personal.

We all want a good fit.

If you are a person of Joy, you want a joyous service.
Similar for the quiet person, the reverent person, the irreverent person, the family centered person, the beauty loving person, etc... The list is as varied as we humans are.

I have my likes and dislike as any other person. For a long time these guided my satisfaction and dissatisfaction with worship.

Jesus, I am sure, had great patience with me, still does for that matter.

Ultimately because of the hardheaded goofball that I am, He had to break me to teach me what worship was about.


God (father, son, holy spirit).

Now that's not to say I begrudge any other reason that gets a person to service. If you came to "make Momma happy", great come on in, there's someone here who wants to meet you.

HIM, He's seeking after you. He always has been.

Worship is what can happen once you become close and dear friends. He, your savior, and you, the adopted member of the family, relishing your time together.

Sure the family is full of odd ones,
ones you can't relate to in one way or the other,
ones that are grumpy when they get stressed,
ones that forget to look out for the outsider,
ones that are a little to happy with the same old same old,

but deep down we ultimately discover we are all odd ones, un-relateable in some way,
but all worth His death on a cross.

Jesus wasn't looking for a church without oddity, He was and still is looking for a church whose devotion to Him overcomes sin. Sadly that's not always easy to find.

For the one who has discovered what worship is and your walk with Jesus is getting longer in length, He can even call you to a church that's not very good at any of the things Jesus taught. He may ask you to be his voice in that place for a season. That may or may not result in the revival you crave to see.

Either way obey his call.

Easter Sunday celebrate the choice of the Son to die to free all mankind from sin (failure), and the power of the Father to raise Him from the dead to give new life to all mankind (a fresh start of pure freedom).

Mercy, forgiveness, God's power, the very same things that make unity and worship in a church possible.

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