Monday, March 5, 2012

Being a Hater

Okay, maybe hater is too strong. I was a grump, an envious soul turned to a grouch soul.

Just for a moment.

For a brief moment of weakness that lovely girl who's lumps and bumps were in all the right order, who is careful to eat right and count calories, got on my nerves.
Because I can exercise like a big dog but counting calories makes me whine like a baby.

I found myself thinking how unreasonable what she did was.
That was mainly because I did not want to do it.
She was doing what it takes and I did not want to. Simple as that.

Spiritually we can feel the same way.

You can see someone close to God, glowing in the Spirit, and think they are very cool . . .

until you hear they pray over which movies and shows to watch,  they only listen to praise music, they live debt free, they memorize chapters of scripture, they let a homeless person live with them, they do bible study at home with their kids, they have an hour long quiet time or they pray like most of us breathe.

Conviction can quickly turn into irritation.
It's easy to go from "Wow, they are so close to God" to "They are too extreme, they aren"t living in the 'real' world", etc...

a.- Jesus said His plans for another Christian is His business not yours to judge.
(John 21:22)   We are followers of Christ, He doesn't need assistant directors.

b.- That little snarl you feel toward them, grab it and slap it under the microscope. It's a critical piece of evidence that something is up. Maybe convictions.

Walking is work. Sleeping is not.

When you have willingness to work, God provides the power.

When you are willing to do anything God puts on your heart to fight sin, He gives victory.

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