Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Minor" Surgery

If it happens to be happening to your child it never really feels minor. Luckily today My son's minor surgery went exceptionally well. He was in and out before lunch.
The part me, his dad and his sister will never forget was when the "silly juice" (some kind of drug similar to Valium) kicked in. Wow, he is a light weight. He was slurring his speech and hiccuping. He was a limp rag when his dad lifted him to the gurney to take him to surgery.

In the last few moments before surgery as we were saying bye and kissing him- He looks up totally disoriented and says "Can I go to the office and play on the computer?". My husband and I laughed so hard we had tears streaming down our faces. We finally learned that that sentence is actually a biological instinct for him. This is a kid who will wake up at 5 am  on a Saturday to play a Star Wars game on the computer. And now I know as his brain struggles to cling to consciousness it will not be his loving mother who comes to mind but his favorite perch of the office chair.

All joking aside, spending a morning at a Children's Hospital will also give you a strong sense of gratitude for your precious ones and how blessed you truly are.

Count your blessing and when you do- give them a big kiss.

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